Outcome-Driven Planning Blog
By Ryan Fullmer
August 10, 2022
I love being part of a team that is tasked with solving complex and challenging problems. Applying Agile values and principles to solve those challenges is...
By Julie Springer
August 4, 2022
Agile delivery needs to be balanced with discovery. Discovery is about understanding the problem you are trying to solve, exploring your customer’s...
By Ryan Fullmer
Jul 27, 2022
Discovery meetings provide the clarity Agile teams need to create high-value solutions. It is a critical step in starting new initiatives, projects and...
By Julie Springer
July 24, 2022
There’s a trending call for an “end to meetings” and it’s no wonder. Many meetings are ineffective and low-value and spending your...
By Julie Springer
July 7, 2022
One of the most important skills for teams to succeed with Agile is often overlooked and under-developed. This skill is necessary for teams to...
By Julie Springer
June 23, 2022
Over the past few years, our coaching team at Conduo has studied improv for business, to practice being creative and thinking on our feet. One of the first...